Reports Categories
Do Stock Markets Penalize Environment-Unfriendly Behaviour
CATEGORY : Industry Green Rating
This study done by the researchers from Delhi School of Economics and Institute of Economic Growth found that the share market generally penalizes companies who are given poor rating by GRP.
Green Rating of the Fertiliser Sector
CATEGORY : Industry Green Rating
The rating established that incentives play a major role in environment performance. As Indian fertilizer sector is incentivized to reduce energy consumption, they are the world’s best in energy. But as there is lack of incentives in other environmental areas, the sector is not so good in those.
Green Rating of Thermal Power Sector
CATEGORY : Industry Green Rating
This rating showed the massive gap in pollution regulations in the thermal power sector. The rating was used by the government to revise the pollution norms of the thermal power sector after 20 years.
Green Rating of the Steel Sector
CATEGORY : Industry Green Rating
The rating exposed the poor environmental performance of the steel industry. GRP’s recommendations were taken seriously and many companies including JSW and SAIL worked with GRP to improve their performance.
Does Disclosure Reduce Pollution
CATEGORY : Industry Green Rating
This study done by the researchers from the Resources for the Future, USA found that the GRP led to significant reductions in pollution among dirty plants.
Green Rating of Cement Sector
CATEGORY : Industry Green Rating
This rating told the world that Indian industry can be the global best. The rating established that the Indian cement industry is the world’s best on energy efficiency and GHG emissions. But it also pushed the industry to improve its mining practices.
Green Rating of Paper Industry-II
CATEGORY : Industry Green Rating
To check the impacts of the first rating, the paper industry was rated again in 2004. This rating showed how GRP had helped industry move towards better resource efficiency and pollution control.
Green Rating of Chlor-Alkali Sector
CATEGORY : Industry Green Rating
This rating was instrumental in raising the issue of mercury pollution in India. It convinced the government to phase-out mercury cell process.
Green Rating of Automobile Sector
CATEGORY : Industry Green Rating
The Indian automobile sector for the first time shared it emission data and made it public through GRP. GRP also helped the automobile companies recognize the pollution generated from their supply chain.
Green Rating of Paper Industry-I
CATEGORY : Industry Green Rating
In 1999, the Green Rating Project (GRP) released its first environmental rating of the Indian pulp and paper sector. This rating shocked the industry leaders and paved the way for improvements in the environment performance of the paper sector.