Column – English

CATEGORY : Energy Transformation

  • Warming to a false dawn: It is time the world regulates the sector of solar geoengineering

    Financial Express

    Unfortunately, the Vienna Convention is toothless, and its provisions have been ignored. Therefore, rebooting the Vienna Convention to govern SRM research is essential. Solar radiation modification (SRM), a group of technologies to deliberately reflect sunlight into space to cool the planet, is now being seriously explored as a solution to [...]

  • Switching to Green Power Justly

    Financial Express

    As can be seen from the case of Maharashtra, planning is essential for a just transition One only has to read the newspaper headlines to realise that climate change is no longer a distant threat. For instance, a headline from January this year announced, “Mumbai experiences its hottest January day [...]

  • Net Zero is a win-win


    Article The transformative potential of decarbonisation is that it can meet socio-economic goals better than current development pathways. The Paris Agreement that India signed alongside 195 other countries in 2015 came into effect on 4 November 2016. Article 4.1 of the Paris Agreement refers to the goal of achieving ‘Net Zero’ through a “balance [...]

  • India’s Renewables Disparity

    Financial Express

    Even a good policy with the best intentions can have unintended and adverse consequences. The Freight Equalization Scheme (FES) was one such policy meant to promote balanced industrial development throughout the country but ended up impeding the industrialisation of the mineral-rich eastern states. From 1956, consumers across the country got [...]

  • Energy transition crucial

    Orrisa Post

    Odisha is known for coal. It is the second biggest coal-producing state, and by 2030, it will be the country’s top coal-producing state. So naturally, Odisha’s electricity production is heavily reliant on coal. Presently, more than 90% of electricity comes from coal-based power plants; renewable energy (RE) sources like solar, [...]

  • India’s Arctic policy must push Western countries to give up double standards

    Times of India

    ‘We need to act for the Amazon and act for our planet,’ said Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau when fires ravaged the Amazon rainforest in August 2019. He was joined by many Western countries in preaching the virtues of protecting the ‘global common’ for combating climate change. But the Western [...]

  • Energy transition and Just Transition must go hand in hand

    Times of India

    The writing is on the wall. A few days back, Coal India Limited (CIL), the world’s biggest coal producer and India’s largest CO2 emitter, announced its plans to become a ‘net-zero energy company’ by 2023-24. The company plans to install 3,000 MW of solar power to meet all its electricity [...]

  • Here why energy sector embrace technological disruptions and use them as an opportunity

    Financial Express

    Competition from Solar-plus-battery-Storage power seems set to challenge the viability of coal/gas-based power, and in the long run, of distribution companies (discoms).

  • Thermal power industry is brazening out meeting new emission norms

    Financial Express

    Coal-fired Plants are brazening out meeting the new emission norms in the hope of another extension, courtesy confusion among govt authorities.

  • Solar pump scheme needs serious relook

    Financial Express

    Renewable energy is clean energy, but it doesn’t always lead to green solutions. For clean energy to become green, solutions must be comprehensively designed. Updated: Aug 21, 2019

  • How India can end energy poverty by 2040

    Financial Express

    What would be the energy scenario in India in, say, 25 years from now? This is an important political enquiry as the path we choose would have a pivotal role in determining the country’s economic growth, social development and environmental sustainability. But, before gazing into the crystal ball, let’s analyse [...]

  • Can the thermal power sector be trusted again?

    Financial Express

    In the heydays of ‘India Shining’ in 2003, the ministry of environment and forests (MoEF) had experimented with an alternate model to control pollution from industries. The model was named ‘Corporate Responsibility for Environment Protection’, or CREP. It was based on the principle of voluntary compliance: instead of the government [...]